There are probably more than ten variations that can be played in the Sicilian Defense. When most people see this opening, they are startled, because it is one of chess’ biggest openings. Instructive Game: Anand, Viswanathan – Carlsen, Magnus, 1/2-1/2, World Championship, 2013 The black queen can be placed on c7, while the dark-squared bishop has various lines, and isn’t blocked by pawns. When black’s pawn is on c6, the next move would be to bring the knight to d7, while supporting the future knight on f6. However, when playing the main line, black will typically have a pawn on c6. Afterwards, the light-squared bishop will be brought out by black and will make a move to e6. In various situations, opening with this strategy can gradually change to the French Defense. This is a crucial setup, which you must understand if you want to use Caro Kann. There are numerous Caro Kann Defense variations, but the main line carries on with 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5. This happens, because black doesn’t have to compromise its pawn structure through this move and will have a considerably easy end game. You could consider black as being in a better position, specifically at the end of the game, when the main line is played. This is one of very few strategies that will put black in equal competition in the main line. Black can then respond with 1.c6 with a plan to thrust forward with d5 in the next move, and to attack the white central pawn on e4. This is one of the most popular defensive openings, in response to the King Pawn 1.e4 opening strategy. The mainline of the Caro Kann Defensebegins with: